NebGuide Butterfly Gardening
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Butterflies and their relatives and the plants that will help attract them to a garden.
coniferous forests of the Pine Ridge, through the grasslands
of the Sandhills, to the deciduous forests along the Missouri
River. Like bird watching or observing wildflowers, watching
butterflies is a popular and enjoyable pastime. Although many
natural butterfly habitats have been lost to urbanization and
agricultural development, conservation of these beautiful insects
has been incorporated into numerous programs and projects.
Many individuals also are taking a personal interest in attracting
these fascinating insects to their gardens. By choosing the
right plants, you can attract many different butterflies, moths
and skippers, adding an ever-changing mural of color and motion
to your landscape.
Butterflies, moths and skippers belong to the insect order
Lepidoptera, with moths comprising the largest percentage.
Skippers are most often mistaken for butterflies, but they differ
somewhat (Table I). All three groups act as pollinators for
specific plants and are a food source for many animals. For
this publication, reference to butterflies also includes moths
and skippers.
Table I. Characteristics of butterflies, skippers, and moths.
Butterflies Skippers Moths
Fly in daytime Fly in daytime Fly mostly at night
Clubbed antennae Clubbed antennae Unclubbed, usually
with a feathery feathery, antennae
hook on end
Usually brightly Drab to colorful Drab to colorful
colored (often brown to
Usually smooth Usually smooth Usually hairy
bodied bodied bodied
Often powerful
Butterfly Biology and Life Cycle
Butterflies go through a four-stage development process
known as metamorphosis. The four stages are egg, larva or
caterpillar, pupa or chrysalis, and adult. Understanding a
butterflyís life cycle can make watching them more enjoyable,
and can help people understand the principles of attracting
butterflies to their gardens. Depending on the species, the life
cycle of the insect may take anywhere from about one month
to an entire year to complete. Nebraska butterflies may have
G1183 Butterfly Gardening
Dale T. Lindgren, Extension Horticulturist; Stephen M. Spomer, Research Technologist, Entomology; and
Kim Todd, Extension Horticulturist
one, two or more generations (broods) per year. Usually, the
most common butterflies have multiple broods and provide
a continuous array of color and activity in a butterfly garden
throughout the season.
Life Cycle
Egg ó Eggs are laid singly or in clusters, usually on the
host plant, but sometimes in organic matter, weeds or soil.
Eggs hatch in a few days to a couple of weeks, depending on
the species. However some copper and hairstreak butterflies
spend the winter in the egg stage. The larva eats its way out
of the egg and is soon ready to feast on its host plant. Fritillaries
are one exception, spending the winter as newly-hatched
unfed larvae.
Larva ó The larva continues to eat many times its own
weight until its cuticle (skin) stretches to capacity. A hormone
in the larva signals when it is time to shed its skin, or molt. Butterfly
caterpillars go through three to five molts and are therefore
found in various sizes before they are ready to pupate.
Pupa or Chrysalis ó When the larva is full grown, another
hormone signals when it is time to form a chrysalis, or pupate.
The chrysalis is the resting stage between larva and adult. When
it is time to pupate, the larva may spin a small silken mat to use
to hang itself upside-down from a branch or leaf, or attach itself
to the host plant by a silken girdle. In contrast to butterflies,
many moths spin a silken cocoon.
Adult ó Several conditions may influence the development
of the chrysalis, including humidity, temperature and/or
day length. Emergence time usually coincides with host plant
availability. Adults spend their entire life mating, laying eggs
and seeking nectar. Adult butterflies live from about a week to
several months. A few spend the winter in outbuildings or logs,
but most die before winter.
Commonly Attracted Butterflies in Nebraska
In Nebraska, some of the most easily attracted butterflies,
moths and skippers include:
Alfalfa Butterfly ñ Colias eurytheme Boisduval
American Painted Lady ñ Vanessa virginiensis (Drury)
Cabbage Butterfly ñ Pieris rapae (L.)
Checkered Skipper ñ Pyrgus communis (Grote)
Clouded Sulphur ñ Colias philodice Godart
Eastern Black Swallowtail ñ Papilio polyxenes asterius Stoll
Eastern Tailed Blue ñ Everes comyntas Godart
Gorgone Checkerspot ñ Chlosyne gorgone carlota (Reakirt)
Gray Hairstreak ñ Strymon melinus H¸bner
Great Spangled Fritillary ñ Speyeria cybele (Fabricius)
Monarch ñ Danaus plexippus (L.)
Painted Lady ñ Vanessa cardui (L.)
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Table II. Plants to attract butterflies.
Common Name Scientific Name Select Varieties Bloom Color Ht./ Bloom Remarks Larval Nectar
Spread Time Source Source
Perennials Attractive to Butterflies
Alfalfa Medicago sativa many purple 16"-20" May-Sept Old plants lodge X X
Allium, Ornamental Allium senescens ëGlaucumí lavender 12"-12" July-Sept Long bloom season X
Aster, Dwarf Aster x dumosus ëWoods Dwarfsí pink, purple, 48"-36" Sept-Oct Dwarf, very little seed X X
white production
Aster, Fendlerís Aster fendleri ëMy Antoniaí purple, white 6"-12" July-Sept Native, good drainage needed X X
Aster, New England Aster novae-angliae ëPurple Domeí pink, purple, 36"-48" Sept-Oct Taller aster, late X X
Bee Balm Monarda spp. ëJacob Klineí pink-lavender, 18"-18" June-Aug. Colonizes X
Black-eyed Susan Rudbeckia hirta ëPrairie Suní yellow-orange 24"-24" July-Sept Seeds itself, treat as an annual X
Black-eyed Susan Rudbeckia fulgida ëGoldstrumí yellow-orange 18"-24" July-Sept Seeds itself X
Blanket Flower Gaillardia aristata ëBaby Coleí, yellow-red 18"-24" June-Sept Seeds itself, can be short lived X
Catmint Nepeta spp. ëFassenísí, lavender 18"-18" May-Oct Several species X
ëSix Hills Hybridsí
ëWalkerís Lowí
Chrysanthemum Dendranthema spp. many assorted varies Aug-Oct Hardiness varies X
Coneflower, Narrowleaf Echinacea angustifolia species type pink 36"-24" June-Aug. Native X X
Coneflower, Purple Echinacea purpurea ëMagusí, purple, pink, 36"-24" June-July Native X X
ëCygnet Whiteí white
Coneflower, Pale Echinacea pallida species type lavender 30"-24" June-July Native, most drought X X
tolerant of the species
Coreopsis, Threadleaf Coreopsis verticillata ëMoonbeamí, yellow 18"-24" June-Sept Long bloom season, drought
ëZagrebí tolerant X
Daylily Hemerocallis spp. many assorted, varies June-Sept Variable X
warm colors
Gayfeather, Dotted Liatris punctata species type rose-purple 20"-24" Sept Native X
Gayfeather, Tall Liatris pycnostachya ëEurekaí rose-purple 60"-24" June-Aug. Native X
Gayfeather, Spike Liatris spicata ëKoboldí, rose-purple, June-July Cut flower X
ëFloristan Whiteí white
Goldenrod species Solidago spp. ëFireworksí, yellow varies July-Sept Cut back for rebloom,
ëGolden Babyí good dried X
Goldenrod, Stiff Solidago rigida species type yellow 30"-10" July-Aug. Native X
Hollyhock Alcea rosea many assorted 72"-12" May-Aug. Rust susceptible, allow to X X
Ironweed Vernonia fasciculata species type red-violet 48"-24" July-Sept Prefers moist soils X
Joe-Pye Weed Eupatorium purpureum ëGatewayí purple 72"-48" July-Sept Better in eastern Nebraska,
takes wet sites X
Lavender Lavandula angustifolia ëProvenceí, lavender-blue 18"-18" June-July Semi-woody X X
Leadplant Amorpha canescens species type lavender-blue 36"-36" June-July Native, semi-woody, drought X
Milkweed, Butterfly Asclepias tuberosa species type, orange, red, 24"-24" June-July Native, difficult to transplant X X
ëHello Yellowí yellow
Milkweed, Common Asclepias speciosa species type pink 28"-15" May-Aug. Common native milkweed, X X
can be weedy
Milkweed, Swamp Asclepias incarnata species type, pink, white 48"-15" July-Aug. Best in moist sites X X
ëIce Balletí
Pasqueflower Pulsatilla spp. ëRubraí, purple, white, 12"-12" Apr-May Native, very early X
ëHeiler Hybridsí red
Phlox, Prairie Phlox pilosa ëEco Happy rose-pink 15"-15" May-June Native, fragrant X
Pinks, Cheddar Dianthus gratianopolitanus ëSpottií, ëDottieí, white, rose- 8"-8" May-June Fragrant X
ëTiny Rubiesí pink, red
Pitcher Sage Salvia azurea ëNekaní blue, pink, 24"-48" Aug-Sept Native X
Prairie Clover, Purple Dalea purpureum ëStephanieí purple 20"-15" June-July Native X X
Prairie Clover, Silky Dalea villosa ëSandhills Satiní pink 15"-24" July-Aug. Sandy sites X X
Primrose, Missouri Oenothera macrocarpa ëCommanche yellow 15"-30" July-Aug. Drought tolerant X X
Pussytoes Antennaria spp. species type white, pink 2"-12" May-June Tiny groundcover for dry sites X X
Sea Lavender Limonium latifolium species type blue, white 24"-24" July-August X
Sedum Low varieties Sedum spp. ëGold Carpetí, yellow, red, 6"-18" June-July Very adaptable X
ëDragonís Bloodí pink
Sedum Tall varieties Sedum spp. ëIndian Chiefí, pink, bronze 24"-18" Aug.-Sept Cut or dried flowers X
ëAutumn Fireí
Shasta Daisy Leucanthemum x ëAlaskaí, ëBeckyí, white 24"-36" June-July Excellent cut flower X
ëCrazy Daisyí
Sweet Clover Melitotus spp. species type yellow, white 30"-30" May-Oct Consumed by domestic livestock X X
White Clover Trifolrum repens several white 15"-15" May-Oct Can be a lawn weed X X
Yarrow spp. Achillea millefolium ëPaprikaí, assorted 24"-36" June-July Prefers low fertility X
ëTerra Cottaí
Common Name Scientific Name Select Varieties Bloom Color Ht./ Bloom Remarks Larval Nectar
Spread Time Source Source
Annuals Attractive to Butterflies
Ageratum Ageratum x hybrida ëBlue Horizoní, blue, lavender, varies June-Oct Trim off old flowers for X
ëBlue Pacificí white repeat bloom
Broccoli Brassica spp. ëPackmaní green 18"-12" June Replant for fall crop X
China Aster Callistephus chinensis many assorted 12"-12" June-Sept Replant for fall crop X
Cosmos Cosmos bipinnatus ëSensationí, white, pink, 60"-18" June-Oct Avoid over watering X
ëShellleafí crimson
Flowering Cabbage Brassica spp. ëColor Upí reds, pinks, 18"-12" Aug-Oct Best in cool weather X
Flowering Tobacco Nicotiana alata many white, pink, 36"-12" June-Sept Straight species is fragrant, X
red white
Globe Candytuft Iberis umbellata many assorted 12"-6" June-Oct Fragrant X
Gomphrena Gomphrena globosa ëStrawberry assorted 30"-18" June-Sept Excellent for drying, clover-
Fieldsí like flowers X
Marigold, African Tagetes erecta many yellow, orange 40"-18" May-Oct Natural nematode control X
Marigold, French Tagetes patula many yellow, orange, 12"-6" May-Oct Border plant X
Nasturtium Tropaoleum majus many yellow, orange, 12"-8" May-Oct Tolerates poor soil X
Petunia Petunia spp. many assorted 18"-12" May-Oct Provides season long color X
Salvia Salvia spp. many red, blue 12"-15" May-Oct Upright plants, also attract X
Scabiosa Scabiosa atropurpurea several blue, pink 20"-15" May-Oct Good for drying X
Snapdragon Antirrhinum majus many assorted varies April-Oct Cutting flower, can overwinter X X
Statice Limonium sinuatum ëBlue Riverí, white, lavender, 18"-12" July-Oct Good cutting flower or dried X
ëForever Goldí yellow
Sunflower Helianthus annuus many yellow, orange, varies July-Sept Bird seed, cut flower X X
Sweet Alyssum Lobularia maritima ëCarpet of Snowí, white, lavender 4"-6" May-Oct Low trailing plant, fragrant X
ëEaster Basketí
Sweet William Dianthus barbatus many assorted 12"-12" June-Sept Annual or biennial X
Verbena Verbena x hybrida many blue, white, pink 12" June-Sept Best in cool weather, spreading X
Zinnia Zinnia angustifolia ëCrystal Whiteí, white, gold, 12-16" June-Oct Hot, dry areas X
others yellow
Zinnia Zinnia elegans many assorted varies June-Oct Cut flowers, powdery mildew X
Herbs Attractive to Butterflies
Catnip Nepeta cataria species type blue, purple 12"-18" June-Aug Many good cultivars, needs X
dry sites
Chives Allium schoenoprasum species type pink 12"-12" May Perennial, reseeds X
Dill Anethum graveolens ëElegansí yellow 36"-24" July-Sept Annual, reseeds X X
Mint Mentha spp. many types pink, white 24"-24" May-Sept Many types X
Oregano Origanum vulgare species type pink, white 24"-24" July-Sept Many uses X
Parsley Petroselinum crispum varies greenish 24"-18" June-Oct Annual or biennial, several types X X
Sweet Fennel Foeniculum vulgare species type yellow 48"-18" July-Sept Licorice flavored X X
Biennials Attractive to Butterflies
Dameís Rocket Hesperis matronalis species type lavender 36"-18" May-June Naturalizes, somewhat invasive X
Queen Anneís Lace Daucus carota species type white 72"-48" June-July Also known as wild carrot X X
Standing Cypress Ipomopsis rubra species type red 30"-12" July-Oct Fine texture X
Shrubs Attractive to Butterflies
Butterfly Bush Buddleia davidii many purple, blue, 48"-48" July-Oct Cut to ground in spring X
white, pink
Cinquefoil Potentilla spp. many white, orange, 36"-36" June-frost Prune in late winter X
Chokecherry Prunus virginiana ëShubertí white 15'-10' May Fruit attractive to birds X X
Cotoneaster Cotoneaster spp. many white, pink varies May-June Attractive fruit X
Lilac Syringa spp. many white, pink, 8'-12' May Fragrant, susceptible to scale X
violet and borers
Mockorange Philadelphus spp. ëMinnesota 5/10'- May-June Very fragrant X
Snowflakeí white 5/10'
Privet Ligustrum spp. many white 10'-6' May-June Often used as a hedge X
Spirea Spiraea spp. many white, pink 3/8'-10' May-June ëVanhoutteí is a popular type X
Viburnum Viburnum spp. many white, pink varies May-June Some fragrant, good fruit X
Wild Plum Prunus americana species type white 15'-15' May Good for eating X X
Pearl Crescent ñ Phyciodes tharos (Drury)
Red Admiral ñ Vanessa atalanta (L.)
Sachem ñ Atalopedes campestris (Boisduval)
Snowberry Clearwing ñ Hemaris diffinis Boisduval
Spring Azure ñ Celastrina neglecta (W. H. Edwards)
Tawny-edged Skipper ñ Polites themistocles (Latreille)
Tiger Swallowtail ñ Papilio glaucus (L.)
Variegated Fritillary ñ Euptoieta claudia (Cramer)
White-lined Sphinx ñ Hyles lineata (Fabricius)
Attracting Butterflies
Although proper plant selection and placement are essential
to attract butterflies, the location and characteristics
of the site are important, as are additional features like rocks.
Butterflies like sunny sites and areas sheltered from high
winds. Warm, sheltered areas are most needed in the spring
and fall. Provide rocks or bricks for pupation sites and for
basking and warming in the sun. A water source for puddling
and drinking is important. Butterflies require food plants for
their larval stages and nectar plants for their adult stage. Some
larvae feed on specific host plants, while others will feed on a
variety of plants. Including both larval host plants and adult
nectar plants in your butterfly garden will increase the chances
of attracting a greater number and variety of butterflies. Listed
in Table II are plants that can be used in Nebraska landscapes
to attract butterflies.
Types of Plants that Attract Butterflies
Plants that attract butterflies are classified as either a food
source, a nectar source or both. Some of these plants will also
provide protection from predators, shelter, a site to lay eggs
and a place for butterflies to attach themselves while pupating.
It can be relatively simple to attract butterflies to a garden that
suits your landscape tastes and needs. Many native or introduced
annuals, perennials, herbs, vines, grasses, shrubs and
trees provide nectar flowers or meet other butterfly requirements.
The time of flowering, duration of bloom, flower color
and plant size are all important considerations when selecting
plants to attract butterflies. Include an assortment of plants for
season-long bloom. If you want to attract a greater variety of
butterflies, you will need to add plants that are not only a good
source of necter but a good source of food as well.
Many plants that attract butterflies, especially trees and
shrubs, may already be present in a specific area. Although
weed species are generally not welcome in a garden, allowing
them to grow under supervision may be an option, since many
of these plants support butterflies. Be cautious about using
plants like blue flax (Linum perenne) and gray-head prairie
coneflower (Ratibida pinnata) that readily reseed and may
dominate garden sites.
Plants with clusters of flowers or large blooms provide
easier landing sites for butterflies than plants with small, single
flowers. Planting masses of single kinds of plants usually
will attract more butterflies since there is more nectar available
at a single stop. Select plants adapted to your site and
location, and develop a plan for the butterfly garden. Several
books containing sample butterfly garden plans are available
in bookstores.
It is difficult to have a successful butterfly garden in
locations where insecticides are used. Insecticides can kill
butterflies as well as other useful insects. Plants that attract
butterflies also may attract other forms of wildlife, including
bees and wasps. Most bees and wasps, busy collecting pollen
and nectar, are not likely to sting if left undisturbed. However,
if you are allergic to bee and wasp stings, be careful! Even
biological controls, such as BT (Bacillus thuringiensis) will
kill butterfly larvae. When treating for insect pests, always
consider nonchemical methods of pest control before turning
to pesticides.
Annuals ó Annuals are plants that grow, flower and
complete their life cycle in one season. They come in a wide
range of growth habits, flower types and colors. Removal of
old flowers (deadheading) may be necessary to encourage the
continuous bloom that provides butterflies with an extended
good source of nectar.
Biennials ó Biennials form roots and rosettes of foliage
the first year, flower and set seed the second year, and then
die. They often persist in the garden for many years if some
of the seedlings are allowed to remain.
Herbs ó Herbs have many uses, among them flavoring
food. Butterflies are attracted to many of the herbs we use
for flavoring, and use them as a nectar source as well as a
larval food source.
Shrubs ó Most woody shrubs have a limited number of
days of flower duration. However, they can provide good, shortterm
nectar sources as well as long-term butterfly habitats.
Trees ó Trees can serve vital functions as larval food
hosts, nectar sources and protection. Some trees that are good
for attracting butterflies include birch (Betula spp.), cherry
(Prunus spp.), cottonwood (Populus deltoides), elm (Ulmus
spp.), hackberry (Celtis occidentalis), hawthorn (Crataegus
spp.), linden/basswood (Tilia spp.), oak (Quercus spp.), plum
(Prunus spp.), red cedar (Juniperus virginiana), Russian olive
(Elaeagnus angustifolia), and willow (Salix spp.).
Herbaceous Perennials ó Herbaceous perennial plants
are nonwoody plants that live and flower for more than two
years. Some herbaceous perennials that are beneficial to
butterflies, like alfalfa and clover, may not be suitable for a
small garden, but they may be encouraged to grow in surrounding
Grasses ó Grasses can be native or introduced, annuals
or perennials. Their height can vary from a few inches to
several feet. They can provide larval food and protection for
For additional information:
Allen, T.J., J.P. Brock, and J. Glassberg. 2005. Caterpillars in the
Field and Garden: A Field Guide to the Butterfly Caterpillars
of North America. Oxford University Press, New York.
Brock, J.P. and K. Kaufman. 2003. Butterflies of North America.
Houghton Mifflin, New York.
Lindgren, D.T. and K. Todd. 2004. Wildflowers for the Home
Landscape: Perennials for Sunny Sites. University of Nebraska
Extension NebGuide G1074.
Steinegger, D., J. Fech, D. Lindgren, and A. Streich. 2000. Ornamental
Grasses in Nebraska Landscape. University of Nebraska
Extension NebGuide G1320.
Todd, K. and D.T. Lindgren. 2003. Perennials in Water-Wise Gardens.
University of Nebraska Extension NebGuide G1240.
Dale T. Lindgren, Extension Horticulturist; Stephen M. Spomer, Research Technologist, Entomology; and Kim Todd, Extension Horticulturist
Extension is a Division of the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources at the University of NebraskañLincoln cooperating with the Counties
and the United States Department of Agriculture.
University of NebraskañLincoln Extension educational programs abide with the nondiscrimination policies of the University of NebraskañLincoln
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