Missouri Paranormal Research Society
Missouri Paranormal Research Society
When we first started "ghost hunting" several years ago, we thought that we believed in ghosts and were investigating paranormal events in an effort to experience hauntings for ourselves. However, we soon recognized that we didn't necessarily believe in ghosts as much as we wanted to believe. We do want to believe and our research is a scientific and disciplined approach to accomplish this.
We do not advocate ghost hunting just for the thrill of it. Not only does it put the researchers in a frame of mind that automatically casts doubt on any authentic findings, but it also gives other ghost hunters a bad reputation, making it more difficult to gain admittance to truly haunted places.
We are an all volunteer organization and do not charge a fee for any of our services. We absorb these costs because we are committed to finding answers and because those who must live or work around paranormal activity on a daily basis need our help to temper their fear of the unknown. In the face of knowledge, many monsters lose their frightful appearance. Any photographs, videos, audio recordings that we take during our investigation, are available for purchase by the interested parties at cost.
If you would like to discuss your particular situation discreetly and without obligation, e-mail us. We want to hear about your experiences. We'll be happy to give you the benefit of our experience, and, if necessary, schedule a time to visit.
